Sometimes, for no apparent reason, your Japanese girlfriend will ask, “What do you like about me?” In the worst-case scenario, you getting caught off guard by this question will completely kill the mood. Here are some appropriate answers to bear in mind if you’re suddenly faced with the dreaded question.
1. “I could go on for hours.”
“Say that if you started naming them, it would take more than an hour.” With this response, you’re telling your girlfriend that there are tons of things that you like about her without actually having to list them off.
2. “There’s a whole bunch of things, but for starters, I like how nice you are.”
“The key point here is that there’s more than one thing.” Not only are you hinting that there’s a ton that you like about her, you’re actually striking back by coming up with an example. Of course, the conversation won’t end there, so you’ll need to stay on your toes and think of the next point to bring up.
3. “Aw c’mon, it’s too embarrassing.”
“Try to avoid the subject by acting embarrassed about it.” A good way to hide the fact that you can’t think of anything off the top of your head is to simply pretend that you’re too shy to answer.
4. “I can’t put it into words.”
“I’m not much of a talker, so anything I’d say would just give off the wrong impression.” This basically says that your feelings for her are too profound to be put into words.
5. “Your smile.”
“It’s a surefire line for preserving the mood.” This is because it forces her to smile back in response in order to meet your expectations. You can also try out similar lines like, “How you’re always cheerful” or “How you’re always so positive.”
6. “I’m your no.1 fan.”
“Replying with ‘everything’ is easy, which is exactly why doing so will only upset her. Jazz it up and convince her by implying that you’ll always be there to support her.” Not only are you her boyfriend, but you’re the one who constantly watches her back, and that’s worth major brownie points.
7. “You’re always by my side, and thinking about me.”
“Though if she takes it literally, she’ll think that you’re saying, ‘If you don’t love me, then you’re nothing to me’ (laughs).” In other words, her love for you is what brings you together. Careful with this one, because it might lead to her replying, “So if I hated you, you’d hate me back?” which is a lot harder to answer.
8. “The way that you ask cute things like, ‘What do you like about me?’”
“It’s a bit of a smart-aleck response, but it does the trick.” This line can be used to confuse her into thinking that you’ve actually given her a real answer. You can only get away with using this once, so make sure you’ve got another witty response up your sleeve for the next time.
9. “You wouldn’t be yourself if any part was missing, so everything.”
“You might as well bundle it all up. If you point out something specific, then you run the risk of having her reply, ‘So then you wouldn’t be attracted to me if it weren’t for that?’ and start pouting.” Considering that, going all-in may just be your best bet.
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